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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Hypnosis can help you to manage your acne more effectively

The reasons for acne is not a complete mystery and thought to be due to overproduction of oil in the sebaceous glands. This is mostly due to hormonal changes and partly explains why teenagers, pregnant menopausal women tend to suffer more from acne.

Acne has also been linked to other factors such as particular foods, stress and lifestyle factors. This said, some people suffer from acne whilst others don't! Recently a number of hypnotherapists have been offering hypnosis treatment to help manage acne. Whilst such treatment is unlikely to cure acne it can help to manage and help you deal with the condition.

Hypnosis is typically used to control or reduce certain behaviours that have formed habits that we wish to stop or control. You may think that acne does not fall into this category but there are ways that hypnosis can help. One of the mechanisms that hypnosis is thought to help with acne is through better stress management. Hypnosis can work to help reduce your stress levels, making it less likely that you either panic from acne breakouts or elevate stress hormone levels making the condition worse.

For some acne sufferers though stress does not appear to cause additional acne symptoms. So if this is the case for you, you may not notice much difference if trying hypnosis to help with your acne.

one way that the techniques of hynosis can help though is by helping you improve your self-image. Suffering from acne can damage your self-image and the confidence you have, hypnosis can give you the skills to give yourself that much needed boost when required. If you are suffering from a particularly tough time you can easily become fixated on your spots. In this case hypnosis may be just the right treatment for you to try.

Lastly, hypnosis has been found to be successfully in controlling your need to pick at spots. Popping your spots can make them worse and even spread the bacteria causing acne in the first place. Stopping picking spots can help to reduce acne symptoms and make them go away quicker.

If you find hypnosis does not improve your acne condition you could consider using a natural acne treatment that concentrates both the symptoms and causes of acne. Hypnosis treatment can always be used in-conjunction with an acne treatment to help improve self-image and to reduce the chances of you picking your spots. When you skin starts to be rid of spots you will likely find that your confidence returns and you are not affected so much by your acne.

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