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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Rabies Symptoms - 3 Important Phases You Need to Be Aware Of....

Around the world, approximately one person dies from rabies every ten minutes. That is a staggering number, and when you realize that rapid treatment of rabies symptoms is nearly one-hundred percent effective, you can see the need for effective, quick identification.

Only fifteen percent of those animals and people exposed to the rabies virus becomes infected. That puts the odds in your favor, but since the incubation time in humans is three to six weeks in before brain function is affected, you should treat any bite from a wild animal as rabies, and get an inoculation immediately. That having been said, there are three phases of rabies symptoms that are revealed after the virus attaches to the brain.

1 - The Prodromal Phase:

In this early stage, rabies symptoms are noted as an increase in nervousness and anxiety. A person may become withdrawn, and a fever may accompany the hermit-like behavior. One strange change in behavior here is that friendly people can become aggressive, short-tempered and ill-willed, whereas mean, dominant people will tend to become kinder and gentler. This phase lasts from three to seven days.

2 - The Furious Phase:

After the prodromal phase, some humans might enter the furious stage; This phase of rabies symptoms is revealed for a period of one to seven days, and displayed by restless, irresponsible behavior and an increase in reactions to auditory and visual stimuli. Generally well-centered people may complain of a desire to move about more often, and are sometimes beset with "wandering sickness". They just can not seem to stay still.

3 - The Paralytic Phase:

This phase can come after either the furious or prodromal phase. It is usually noted two to four days after one of the previous phases has been noted. This is where the frothing at the mouth legend of rabies symptoms expresses itself. Very heavy, difficult breathing and a freezing or locking of facial muscles also occurs here. People may sound like they are choking, and eventually, if not treated, respiratory failure and death follow. This is a very painful stage.

Once rabies symptoms have appeared, the virus is well into its life cycle, rabies has been contracted, and there is no treatment. Death is a virtual certainty once symptoms have become apparent. That is why it is so critical to be treated for any animal bite immediately, while the virus is weak and can be eradicated. Don't wait for the onset of rabies symptoms to get checked out.

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