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Monday, February 28, 2011

Histology and Explanation of chondroma

Chondroma is a benign cartilaginous tumor, encapsulated, with a lobular growing pattern. Tumor cells (chondrocytes, cartilaginous cells) resemble normal cells and produce the cartilaginous matrix (amorphous, basophilic material). Characteristic are the vascular axes within the tumor, which make the distinction with normal hyaline cartila...

Top 10 Medical Quotations of the Week

"Nothing is more fatal to health than over care of it."~ Ben Franklin"Unless the doctor of today becomes the dietitian of tomorrow, the dietitian of today will become the doctor of tomorrow."~ Dr. Alexis Carrol"I learned a long time ago that minor surgery is when they do the operation on someone else, not you."~ Bill Walton"Treat the patient, not the X-ray."~ James M. Hunter"He's the best physician that knows the worthlessness of the most medicines."~...

Medical Mnemonics: BELL'S Palsy, tonsillectomy, Asthma, Deep venous thrombosis, thyrotoxicosis

Characteristic triad of Tuberous sclerosis3 'S'Seizures...Subnormal intelligenceSebaceum adenomaApart from this triad, it is associated with another S..!It's Shagreen patch..!Causes of retinal detachment :SITSSurgery for cataract...IdiopathicTraumaSecondary to other intraocular disorders (like melanoma )Precipitating factors for primary thyrotoxicosis3 S'sSex (puberty, pregnancy)...SepsisSudden emotional upset (Psyche)Deep venous thrombosis: genetic...

Medical Blunders: TESTICLES were removed while performing VASECTOMY


25% of Medical students use Facebook for education-related reasons

This Australian study aimed to evaluate how effectively medical students may be using Facebook for education. Researchers surveyed 759 medical students at one Melbourne university, and explored the design and conduct of 4 Facebook study groups. 25.5% of students reported using Facebook for education-related reasons and another 50.0% said they were open to doing so. The ...

Role of a doctor in the society

They're walking along chatting about their work when all of a sudden a man drifts by in the middle of the river, screaming for help. The doctors immediately spring into action, one doctor standing by the bank for support while the other dives into the river. He pulls the man, swims to shore, and they both climb out soaking wet.The two doctors continue their stroll when a woman...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Damage from cancer-causing chemicals in cigarette smoking can be detected "immediately" after smoking your first cigarette

A new study shows that damage from cancer-causing chemicals in cigarette smoking can be detected "immediately" after smoking your first cigarette. And?Am I the only one who has always thought that the cancer-causing chemicals were there from the beginning? And it takes 30 years of damaging cells to result in cancer?The research is being hyped as showing something startling....

A Swinging Heart

A 39-year-old woman with a 1-year history of Stage IV melanoma presented with progressive shortness of breath, fatigue, and edema in the legs, which had developed over the course of the previous week. At the time of the melanoma diagnosis, a mediastinal and right supraclavicular mass had been seen without identification of a primary tumor.The patient had been treated with...

How to reduce or avoid Emotional burnout during Medical studies

The road to becoming a medical professional really kicks in during an individual’s time in medical school. The result is burnout, which describes a person experience emotional distress mixed with low accomplishment levels. Burnout can occur in any point in a person’s life, especially throughout one’s time in school. However, the primary difference between burnout in medical...

Histology Game: Histology Grade or No Grade (a histology quiz game)

Histology Grade or No Grade(a histology quiz game)Instructions: In order to play Histology Grade or No Grade (a histology quiz game), you need a browser that supports flash. If you have sound, turn it on.The object of this histology quiz game is to get the highest possible grade in histology. You must correctly answer a histology question each round. If you miss a histology question, this histology quiz game ends.The first round, you chose a numbered...

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Weekend Case: A 3.5-year-old boy presents with snorting and sniffing, and has been congested and plugged up

A 3.5-year-old boy presents with his mother as a new patient to your practice. His mother describes that he has been snorting and sniffing, and has been congested and plugged up for a few months. The patient intake form that his mother completed before the visit notes that the symptoms might have started 6-8 months ago, although she does not remember any specific starting...

Histology and explanation of Carcinoma metastasis (lymph node)

Lymph node with carcinoma metastasis : clusters of tumor cells, atypical, with carcinomatous charact...

Benefits of attending Top Medical Institution in the country

Becoming a medical professional is a challenging, daunting, and expensive path to follow. There are so many different paths that a person could follow – speaking in terms of different medical schools a person can attend – but they all lead to the same place. Regardless of the medical school that you choose, a person who graduates from medical school (and completes residency)...

Friday, February 25, 2011

Laparoscopic Herniotomy

Laparoscopic Herniot...

Histology and explanation of Renal cell carcinoma (Grawitz tumor)

Renal clear cell carcinoma (Grawitz tumor) is a malignant epithelial tumor resulted from proliferation of tubule cells. Tumor cells form cords, papillae, tubules or nests, and are atypical, polygonal and large. Because these cells accumulate glycogen and lipids, their cytoplasm appears "clear", lipid-laden, the nuclei remain in the middle of the cells, and the cellular membrane...

Histology Game: Histology Survey

Histology Survey GameInstructions: In order to play the Histology Survey Game, you need a browser that supports flash. Make sure the sound to your computer is ...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

6 Most Funny and weird X-rays

6 Most Funny and weird X-r...

Histology and explanation of Poorly differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma

Hepatocellular carcinoma, poorly differentiated (photo - upper right), developed on liver cirrhosis. This malignant epithelial tumor consists in tumor cells, discohesive, pleomorphic, anaplastic, giant. The tumor has a scant stroma and central necrosis because of the poor vascularization. In well differentiated forms, tumor cells resemble hepatocytes, form cords and nests,...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

5 Most Funny and weird X-rays

5 Most Funny and weird X-r...

Most abnormal medical test results: A person having Blood alcohol of 0.55% but still alive

Victoria:Na 174 (I think) in a very crispy elderly person. pCO2 of 20 in someone with muscular dystrophy and too much morphine on board.Laura:I've seen a Na of 107 before, highest K Ive seen is 8, highest Creatinine just under 3,000 and a Trop T of 17.Cara:wbc 55neutro 52a young women with atypical pneumonia.Will:I saw a guy in the royal with a trop T of 35, worse still it was about his fifth MI in six months, and the lowest Trop was 9, plus he didnt...

Histology Game: Histology Game Show (a histology quiz game)

Histology Game Show(a histology quiz game)Instructions: In order to play Histology Game Show (a histology quiz game), you need a browser that supports flash. If you have sound, turn it on.The object of this histology quiz game is to get as close to $2400 as possible by correctly answering histology questions.Questions are taken from the Histology Test Bank. Detailed explanations can be found in the Histology Test Ba...

Monday, February 21, 2011

Histology and explanation of Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma (colon)

Adenocarcinoma is a malignant epithelial tumor, originating from glandular epithelium of the colorectal mucosa. It invades the wall, infiltrating the muscularis mucosae, the submucosa (photo) and thence the muscularis propria. (Notice the end-point of muscularis mucosae. At left from this point, muscularis mucosae is continuous. At right from this point, muscularis mucosae...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Histology GameFling the Teacher (a histology quiz game)

Histology GameFling the Teacher (a histology quiz game)Instructions: In order to play Fling the Teacher (a histology quiz game), you need a browser that supports flash. If you have sound, turn it on.In order to win Fling the Teacher (a histology quiz game), you must correctly answer 15 histology questions in a row. If you miss a histology question, this histology quiz game ends. You have three options for help. You can ask a histology expert, you...

Histology and Explanation of Gastric carcinoma, intestinal type

Gastric adenocarcinoma is a malignant epithelial tumor, originating from glandular epithelium of the gastric mucosa. According to Lauren classification, gastric adenocarcinoma may be: intestinal type, diffuse type and mixed type. Gastric adenocarcinoma, intestinal type. Tumor cells describe irregular tubular structures, with stratification, multiple lumens surrounded by a...

A drug Alternative to alcohol - BBC video

Part-1:Psychologist and addiction expert Dr John Marsden takes part in a radical experiment as he trials an non-addictive drug alternative to alcohol in this fascinating clip from Horizon.Part-2:A single injection reverses the 'drug' alternative to alcohol and Dr John Marsden is left to reflect on whether this is indeed be the way forward in reducing alcohol dependency in future generatio...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Histology and Explanation of Basal cell carcinoma

Basal cell carcinoma is a malignant epithelial tumor arising only in skin, from the basal layer of the epidermis or of the pilosebaceous adnexa. Tumor is represented by compact areas, well delineated and invading the dermis, apparent with no connection with the epidermis. Tumor cells resemble normal basal cells (small, monomorphous) are disposed in palisade at the periphery...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Appendectomy: Surgical Removal of Appendix

Appendectomy: Surgical Removal of Appen...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Amazing X-rays

Please note that MdBlogger claims no authenticity for this section. These contributions have been received by us from some of our visitors and may exist on other websites t...

Histology game: Histology Tic-Tac-Toe: Bone

Histology game: Histology Tic-Tac-Toe: BoneInstructions: In order to play histology tic-tac-toe, you need a browser that supports flash. Make sure the sound to your computer is ...

5 most funny and weird X-rays

5 most funny and weird X-r...

Pepsi-cola and Coca-Cola are found to contain carcinogens 2-methylimidazole and 4-methylimidazole

An ingredient used in Coca-Cola and Pepsi is a cancer risk and should be banned, an influential lobby group has claimed. The concerns relate to an artificial brown colouring agent that the researchers say could be causing thousands of cancers.‘The caramel colouring used in Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and other foods is contaminated with two cancer-causing chemicals and should be banned,’...

Histology Game: Histology Anagrams

Instructions: In order to play Histology Anagrams, you need a browser that supports flash. If you have sound, turn it on. To play Histology Anagrams, unscramble the histology words. You have half a minute to unscramble each histology wo...

Diabetic Retinopathy Animation

Diabetic Retinopathy Animat...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Each day the average heart beats 100,000 times and pumps about 2000 gallons of blood

The normal heart is a strong, muscular pump a little larger than a fist. It pumps blood continuously through the circulatory system. Each day the average heart "beats" (expands and contracts) 100,000 times and pumps about 2,000 gallons of blood. In a 70-year lifetime, an average human heart beats more than 2.5 billion times. The circulatory system is the network of...

Wireless phones as a cause of brain cancers

Appearing in the Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography (Nov/Dec 2010), this study attempts to filter data from old studies by limiting analysis to long-term use, re-defining what can be called an "exposure," and modifying which tumors can be counted as occuring in the presence of a wireless phone exposure. See Science Daily, Jan 19, for a journalistic view of the original...

Histology and explanation of Squamous cell carcinoma (skin)

Squamous cell carcinoma is a malignant epithelial tumor which originates in epidermis, squamous mucosa or areas of squamous metaplasia. In skin, tumor cells destroy the basement membrane and form sheets or compact masses which invade the subjacent connective tissue (dermis). In well differentiated carcinomas, tumor cells are pleomorphic/atypical, but resembling normal keratinocytes...

Top three reasons to drop out of Medical colleges

Medical life is a daunting experience. There are ups and downs, and everyone entering Medical school knows that; expects that. Every new medical school student has that dream of being called Doctor Somebody. However, how does one really know when enough is enough? How does one really know if the medical path is not the right path to follow… for them? Yes, it may be the right...

Histology game: Spin the Wheel

Instructions: In order to play Spin the Wheel (a histology quiz game), you need a browser that supports flash. Make sure the sound to your computer is on. Hit button in the center of the wheel to spin the needle. Answer the histology question that follows. Click Start to beg...

How to Take a Good Obstetrical History & Performing a Thorough Clinical Examination

HISTORY:Demographical Details/Personal Profile:1. Name2. Age3. Education4. Occupation5. Marital Status (if married, for how long? )6. Residence7. Date, time & mode of Admission8. Which pregnancy?Presenting Complaints:1. Gestational amenorrhoea and its duration (in weeks)2. Any other complainta. Labor painsb. PROMi. PROM at termii. PPROMc. Vaginal bleeding (APH, PPH etc.)d. Abdominal pain (other than labor pains)e. Decreased/absent fetal movementsf....

Most abnormal medical test results: A person having Blood Sugar of >1200 & pH of 6.8 and he did not know he was diabetic

Will:1) Alcoholic with refeeding syndrome - magnesium undetectable2) COPD and CCF - ABG PaO2 3.23) TB peritonitis - White cells 86, CRP 13324) Octogenerian living on tinned soup - MCV 149.6, Hb 4.2, Folate 0.15) 3 days unrecognised DKA - Base XS -35, pH 6.69, pCO2 0.1 Lactate 21Michael:Hb 3.2 - last week, bleeding DU. Still conscious!Mark:Creatine Kinase of 326,000 in a 22...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Top 12 rules to live a Happy and Successfull life

Know what you can and want to do in life.Set goals for yourself and work hard to achieve them.Strive to have fun every day.Use your creativity as a means of expressing your feelings.Be sensitive in viewing the world.Develop a sense of confidence.Be honest with yourself and with others.Follow your heart and adhere to your own truths.Know that the more you give the more you...

Robotic Surgery Of Infertility video and description

Robotic Surgery Of Infertil...

How to Take a Good Gynecological History & Performing a Thorough Clinical Examination

HISTORY:Demographical Details/Personal Profile:1. Name2. Age3. Education4. Occupation5. Marital Status (if married, for how long? )6. Residence7. Date (and time) of Admission8. Mode of AdmissionPresenting Complaints:Common complaints encountered in a gynecological patient are1. Abnormal Menstruationa. Pattern (Regular/Irregular)b. Amount of blood lossc. Passage of blood clotsd. Duration of menstruatione. Intermenstrual Bleedingf. Post coital Bleeding2....