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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Symptoms Of Parkinson's Disease - Tremors, Shaking, Stiffness

Symptoms of Parkinson's disease can vary in intensity from one person to the next. You may experience a very mild tremor while someone else may develop symptoms that interfere with his or her ability to walk, talk or complete normal everyday tasks. Initially the symptoms of Parkinson's disease are mild in everyone stricken with the disease. The first sign may be barely perceptible other than to know something doesn't feel right. For instance, you...

Celiac Disease Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis And Treatment

Celiac disease symptoms will vary from person to person and this article will help you sift through the confusing symptoms of celiac disease so you can better understand how to handle this condition. This is primarily a disorder of the small intestine which prevents the absorption of nutrients. With this condition the lining of the small intestine is irritated when an individual eats certain foods that contain ingredients such as gluten,...

Monday, August 29, 2011

What are Different Types of Gait?

1. Cerebellar gait The patient has a broad-based gait, reeling and lurching to one side. 2. Parkinsonian gait The steps are small and shuffling, and the patient walks in haste (festinates). The entire body stoops forwards, knees bent, head hunched forward, and the feet must hurry to keep up with it as if trying to catch up with the centre of gravity. There is associated loss of arm swing and mask-like facies. 3. Hemiplegic gait The gait is slow....

Perepheral Neuropathy Frequently Asked Questions

A few causes of thickened nerves? · Amyloidosis. · Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. · Leprosy. · Refsum's disease (retinitis pigmentosa, deafness and cerebellar damage). · D5j5rine-Sottas disease (hypertrophic peripheral neuropathy). What are the causes of motor neuropathy? · Guillain-Barrd syndrome. · Peroneal muscular atrophy. · Lead toxicity. · Porphyria. · Dapsone toxicity. · Organophosphorous poisoning. What are the causes of mononeuritis multiplex? Mononeuritis...

Chickenpox Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis And Treatment

Chickenpox symptoms typically present as hundreds of fluid-filled blisters that are very itchy and can appear anywhere on the body. Chickenpox (a.k.a.Varicella) is a highly contagious viral disease and though this has long been considered a childhood disease, the same virus (herpes zoster) can cause a condition called shingles in an adu...

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Cholecystitis Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis And Treatment

Cholecystitis symptoms typically present as a severe pain felt in the upper right section of the abdomen. Cholecystitis is sometimes referred to as a gallbladder attack as it is due to an inflammation of the gallbladder. This article shares the medical symptoms associated with this condition, what causes it and what you must do to get relief from the pain and avoid serious health complicatio...

Friday, August 26, 2011

How To Perform Fine Needle Aspiration of Thyroid

• Indications: o Evaluation of palpable thyroid masses o Differentiation of benign from malignant thyroid lesions. • Contraindications: None • Anesthesia: Anesthesia is not routinely used for FNA. However, if needed, a small amount of 1% lidocaine may be infiltrated locally, taking care not to distort the palpable lesion. • Equipment: o Alcohol prep o 10-ml syringe o 1/2-inch 25-gauge needle o Syringe holder (optional) o Glass microscope slides...

Environmental Benefits Of Smoking Electronic Cigarettes

The dangers of global warming and pollution need to be handled right now or it will soon be the Judgment Day for all. Electronic cigarette can be your own way of fighting environment pollution and contributing to the world. You might have read pieces of information where the benefits of electronic cigarette for your own health have been discussed in details. However, this one is about how you will be helping the environment as well as yourself if...

Plaque and Calculus

Some people are scared of the dentist. They think that the only thing that the dentist does is bring bad news. The truth is that he will often bring bad news, but it really isn't his fault! He is simply trying to help you to have the best oral health that you possibly can. By learning what your dentist in Ogden Utah does for you will have a better understanding as to why it is so important to see him so often. As people get older they tend to think...

Why women should take whey protein for weight loss

Are you concerned about taking care of your body before and after strenuous activities or workouts? Do you try to avoid supplements that contain additives and possible side effects? I am very particular about what I am putting into my body at all times. I hate the idea of eating or taking something that I am not sure about what it is suppose to do or what side effects may be caused. If you are interested in better health and improved physical fitness...

Hair Loss Procedure: Usually Asked Questions

Hair loss can occur on multiple areas of the body and for multiple reasons as well. Hair loss is an embarrassing problem and may even make individuals look older than they actually are. Thinning and balding of the crown and head is a more common area for both men and women. Hair loss may be associated with stress, genetics, aging, or a side effect of medication. With Hair Restoration San Diego patients now have options to reverse hair loss will multiple...

How to Lose Weight Fast?

Losing weight does not necessarily mean that you only improve your overall appearance; you also improve your health. People are starting to think that reducing weight is only done to look good. Having your weight reduced not only benefits your look but it also provides health benefits to the body. When you lose weight, you also improve your body. Having a healthy body also means, longer and happy living. Getting your desired weight can be done naturally....

Rare Blood Types

Within the ABO/Rhesus Group systems which are used to classify most blood types, there are several rare blood types. The rarest is AB-, with less than one percent of the world's population having this blood type. B- and O- are also very rare, each accounting for less than 5% of the world's population. However, there are over 30 recognized blood typing systems beyond these basic two, creating a plethora of rare blood types, some of which appear only...

MBBS 2nd Year Sendup Papers Punjab Medical College (PMC), Faisalabad

Punjab Medical College (PMC), Faisalabad Biochemistry Q1. Name the adrenocortical hormones and mechanism of action of cortisol. saturated fatty acids are synthesized in the body. Q3. Define gluconeogenisis. How can we convert alanine to glucose? Q4. Enumerate the function of pentose phosphate pathway. What are the effects of g-6pd deficiency? Q5. a. Name the enzyme and co enzyme of respiratory chain b. Describe the importance of restriction...

MBBS 2nd Year Sendup Papers Nishter Medical College (NMC), Multan

Nishter Medical College (NMC), Multan Physiology 1) What is metabolic acidosis, Its correction by kidneys 2) How urine is concentrated in different segments of Nephron 3) Enumerate part of limbic system, Role of thalamus in motor activity 4) enumerate receptors a ANS, what is alarm response 5) Draw Pyramidal tract and label it. and effects of its lesion 6) Draw visual pathway and effects produced by lesion in optic tract 7) Growth hormone effect...

MBBS 2nd Year Sendup Papers Rawalpindi Medical College (RMC), Rawalpindi

Rawalpindi Medical College (RMC), Rawalpindi Physiology 1. Write down composition of normal urine. Why don’t we pass albumin and glues in urine normally 2. Enumerate various causes of metabolic acid, how it is compensated? 3. give a brief account of motor and sensory loss in patient with hemi section of spinal cord, below the level of lesion 4. Write down the components of reflex arc. Describe briefly lengthening reaction 5. Define pain. How will...

MBBS 2nd Year Sendup Papers Quaid-e-Azam Medical College(QMC), Bahawalpur

Quaid-e-Azam Medical College(QMC), Bahawalpur Anatomy From which and where the common carotid artery arises & where it divides? enumerate branches of external carotid artery and discuss the facial artery Discuss the extent of cervical sympathetic ganglia Describe muscles of mastication with their nerve supply Define mediastinum, its divisions, name the structural contents of inferior mediastinum, discuss the blood supply of heart Discuss rectus...

MBBS 2nd Year Sendup Papers Allama Iqbal Medical College(AIMC), Lahore

Allama Iqbal Medical College(AIMC), Lahore Anatomy 1.Draw n label microscopic structure of a) Uterine tubes b) Nephron c) Intestinal glands 2.a) Name the congenital anomalies of the face? b) role of ox genes c) extrophy of urinary bladder 3. a) Account of course of facial art. On face name de arteries having torturous course & advantage of torturous course? b) Internal jugular vein formation tributaries & termination ...

MBBS 2nd Year Sendup Papers Fatima Memorial Hospital College, Lahore(FMHC)

Fatima Memorial Hospital College, Lahore(FMHC) Biochemistry Q1) a) what is meant by oxidative phosphorylation? Name the un-couplers of o.phosphorylation [3+3] b) What is G6PD deficiency? Q2) a) How is galactose metabolized in the body? b) What congenital condition results due to deficiency of different enzymes? [5+3] Q3) Describe B-Oxidation reactions. [3+5] Calculate energy in the form of ATP derived from complete oxidation...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Crohn's Disease Symptoms, Diet, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

If you are asking the question, what is Crohn's disease, you may already be experiencing some undesirable symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhea. To fully determine what Crohn's disease is and if you have the disease, you will need to take a look at the bigger picture of Croh...

Parkinson's disease Frequently Asked Questions

What comprises Parkinson's disease? Upper body dyskinesia This must be present - it is a symptom complex containing many of the following features: · Slowness of movement (bradykinesia). · Poverty of movement (mask-like facies, diminished arm swing). · Difficulty in initiating movement. · Diminished amplitude of repetitive alternative movement. · Inordinate difficulty in accomplishing some simultaneous or sequential...

Coarctation of Aorta Frequently Asked Questions

What are the types of aortic coarctation? Common: Infantile or preductal where the aorta between the left subclavian artery and patent ductus arteriosus is narrowed. It manifests in infancy with heart failure. Associated lesions include patent ductus arteriosus, aortic arch anomalies, transposition of the great arteries, ventricular septal defect.Adult type: the coarctation in the descending aorta is juxtaductal or slightly postductal. It may be...

Cholangitis Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis And Treatment

Cholangitis symptoms present as pain in the right side or middle of the upper abdomen that may be sharp, crampy or dull in nature. Cholangitis is an inflammation of the Common Bile Duct, which is the duct that carries bile from the gallbladder and liver to the small intestine. This article shares the symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment for this gastrointestinal disord...

How To Grow Taller Naturally? - Growing Taller Secrets & Tips

Are you unhappy with your height? Many people are and, even if you have stopped growing, there are still ways to present yourself so that you appear to be taller than you actually are. For more information on how to make yourself look taller, read on and I will explain to you more about the growth process and how you can make the best of yourself and look after your body to ensure you remain healthy as you get older. There are many dubious claims...

What To Eat While Pregnant | Pregnancy Diet Tips

If you are pregnant then not only medicine will improve your health, you also need love and care from your family. In early stage of pregnancy, the pregnant women suffer from vomiting and nausea problems and she have also problem to take foods. However, this is necessary that she must maintain balance diet and must take sufficient amount of vitamins. Your diet should be as much as enough to fulfilling your hunger and also keep your weight up to date....

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis And Treatment

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Symptoms can make it very difficult to breath. COPD is one of the most common lung disorders and is primarily caused by smoking. This article takes a close look at the symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and steps a person can take to control those sympto...

Monday, August 22, 2011

Cirrhosis Symptoms, Causes, Cirrhosis Diagnosis And Treatment

Cirrhosis symptoms may develop gradually and in some cases no symptoms will be noticed, but when symptoms of cirrhosis do occur they can include a range of health problems from indigestion to confusion and impotence. This article shares what cirrhosis is, what causes it and how you can treat the disease to prevent further health complicatio...

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Dextrocardia Frequently Asked Questions

What is Dextrocardia? Dextrocardia is an abnormal congenital positioning of the heart. Instead of the heart forming in the fetus on the left side, it flips over and forms on the right side. There are several types of dextrocardia, also called looping defects. Dextrocardia is frequently diagnosed in a routine prenatal sonogram, although not every radiologist will catch...

Acute Myocardial Infarction Frequently Asked Questions

What is a silent myocardial infarct? A painless infarct, common in diabetics and the elderly; it may present with complications of myocardial infarction. What is Levine's sign? In acute myocardial infarction the patient often describes the pain by illustrating a clenched fist. What are the major risk factors for an acute MI? · Smoking. · Hypercholesterolaemia. · Diabetes. ·...

Hypertension Frequently Asked Questions - All Explained

What is Hypertension? Hypertension or high blood pressure is a condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is chronically elevated. With every heart beat, the heart pumps blood through the arteries to the rest of the body. Blood pressure is the force of blood that is pushing up against the walls of the blood vessels. If the pressure is too high, the heart has to work harder to pump, and this could lead to organ damage and several...

Argyll Robertson pupil Frequently Asked Questions

What are the causes of Argyll Robertson pupil? · Neurosyphilis - tabes dorsalis. · Diabetes mellitus and other conditions with autonomic neuropathy. · Pinealoma. · Brainstem encephalitis. · Multiple sclerosis. · Lyme disease. · Sarcoidosis. · Syringobulbia. · Tumours of the posterior portion of the third ventricle. What do you know about the nerve pathways of the light reflex? · The afferent is through the optic nerve and the efferent limb...

Human physiology: from cells to systems - All Explained

The body is composed of many trillions of cells. Each cell is a self-contained, living entity. With the exception of red blood cells, cells of the same type join together, using inter­-cellular substances to form tissues, such as muscle tissue. One, two, or more tissues combine in a particular way to form more complex structures, called organs. All organs contribute to nutritional health, and a person's overall nutritional state deter­mines how well...

Iatrogenic Cushing Syndrome and Corticosteroid Use

Iatrogenic Cushing Syndrome is the most common form of this disorder. The term iatrogenic means that the disease is caused by medical treatment. In the case of Iatrogenic Cushing Syndrome, the disease is a result of overuse of corticosteroids prescribed by a medical physician to treat unrelated disorde...

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Mitral Stenosis Frequently Asked Question

What is the commonest cause of mitral stenosis? Rheumatic heart disease. What is the mechanism of tapping apex beat? It is due to an accentuated first heart sound. What does the opening snap indicate? The opening snap is caused by the opening of the stenosed mitral valve and indicates that the leaflets are pliable. The opening snap is usually accompanied by a loud first heart sound. It is absent when the valve is diffusely calcified. When only...

How is ovarian cancer staged?

Ovarian cancer is deemed to be the most deadly gynaecological cancer and is the fifth leading cause of cancer related deaths is the United States. Claiming close to some 15,000 lives each year, it is one form of cancer difficult to recognize because it displays no symptoms till it has advanced to a very high level. Ovarian cancer stages are dependent on the size and spread of the tumor inside the body. The further treatment of ovarian cancer is dependent...

Celiac Disease on the Rise in the U.S.

Complaints of celiac disease are on the rise in the United States, with more and more people growing ill from exposure to products containing gluten. Nearly five times as many people have celiac disease today than did during the 1950s, according to one recent study. Another report found that the rate of celiac disease has doubled every 15 years since 1974 and is now believed...